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RGB to Hexadecimal Color Conversion

Setting a safe color is simply a matter of selecting a combination of safe hex values. In this case, #9966FF is a safe hex color; #9370DB is not. Most Web design tools like Macromedia Dreamweaver contain safe color pickers; so do imaging tools like Macromedia Fireworks or Adobe PhotoShop. Designers looking for color palettes, including improved color pickers and swatches, should visit

Setting an unsafe color to its nearest safe color is fairly easy—just round each particular red, green or blue value up or down to the nearest safe value. A complete conversion of hex to decimal values is shown in Table E-2. Safe values are indicated in bold.

00=00 01=01 02=02 03=03 04=04 05=05
06=06 07=07 08=08 09=09 10=0A 11=0B
12=0C 13=0D 14=0E 15=0F 16=10 17=11
18=12 19=13 20=14 21=15 22=16 23=17
24=18 25=19 26=1A 27=1B 28=1C 29=1D
30=1E 31=1F 32=20 33=21 34=22 35=23
36=24 37=25 38=26 39=27 40=28 41=29
42=2A 43=2B 44=2C 45=2D 46=2E 47=2F
48=30 49=31 50=32 51=33 52=34 53=35
54=36 55=37 56=38 57=39 58=3A 59=3B
60=3C 61=3D 62=3E 63=3F 64=40 65=41
66=42 67=43 68=44 69=45 70=46 71=47
72=48 73=49 74=4A 75=4B 76=4C 77=4D
78=4E 79=4F 80=50 81=51 82=52 83=53
84=54 85=55 86=56 87=57 88=58 89=59
90=5A 91=5B 92=5C 93=5D 94=5E 95=5F
96=60 97=61 98=62 99=63 100=64 101=65
102=66 103=67 104=68 105=69 106=6A 107=6B
108=6C 109=6D 110=6E 111=6F 112=70 113=71
114=72 115=73 116=74 117=75 118=76 119=77
120=78 121=79 122=7A 123=7B 124=7C 125=7D
126=7E 127=7F 128=80 129=81 130=82 131=83
132=84 133=85 134=86 135=87 136=88 137=89
138=8A 139=8B 140=8C 141=8D 142=8E 143=8F
144=90 145=91 146=92 147=93 148=94 149=95
150=96 151=97 152=98 153=99 154=9A 155=9B
156=9C 157=9D 158=9E 159=9F 160=A0 161=A1
162=A2 163=A3 164=A4 165=A5 166=A6 167=A7
168=A8 169=A9 170=AA 171=AB 172=AC 173=AD
174=AE 175=AF 176=B0 177=B1 178=B2 179=B3
180=B4 181=B5 182=B6 183=B7 184=B8 185=B9
186=BA 187=BB 188=BC 189=BD 190=BE 191=BF
192=C0 193=C1 194=C2 195=C3 196=C4 197=C5
198=C6 199=C7 200=C8 201=C9 202=CA 203=CB
204=CC 205=CD 206=CE 207=CF 208=D0 209=D1
210=D2 211=D3 212=D4 213=D5 214=D6 215=D7
216=D8 217=D9 218=DA 219=DB 220=DC 221=DD
222=DE 223=DF 224=E0 225=E1 226=E2 227=E3
228=E4 229=E5 230=E6 231=E7 232=E8 233=E9
234=EA 235=EB 236=EC 237=ED 238=EE 239=EF
240=F0 241=F1 242=F2 243=F3 244=F4 245=F5
246=F6 247=F7 248=F8 249=F9 250=FA 251=FB
252=FC 253=FD 254=FE 255=FF    

Although mathematically translating to the closest browser-safe color seems appropriate, it might not look correct to many people. Consider creating a hybrid color by combining multiple safe colors together. This is done simply by creating a checkerboard effect with a GIF image, in which two or more non-dithering colors are placed side by side to give the appearance of a third color. A variety of PhotoShop plug-ins such as Colorsafe ( exist for mixing colors.

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