NOTICE: This website is no longer updated or supported - as such many of the techniques used to build it may seem antiquated in the modern day. It is preserved for historical reasons only.


CSS1 Font Properties Example

Font Family

This text is in Serif.
This text is in Sans-Serif.
This text is in Cursive.
This text is in Fantasy.
Actual fonts can be specified like Comic Sans MS

Font Sizing

This is xx-small text.
This is x-small text.
This is small text.
This is medium text.
This is large text.
This is x-large text.
This is xx-large text.
This is smaller text than the rest.
This is larger text than the rest.
This is exactly 18 point text.
This is 200% larger text.

Font Style, Weight, and Variant

This text is italic.
This text is oblique.
This text is bold.
This text is in smallcaps.